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Alex Kurtzman

Star Trek’s Executive Producer


Alex Kurtzman and his production company Secret Hideout are dedicated to developing and producing a wide array of content across all platforms through their overall TV deal with CBS Studios. Through the company, Kurtzman is at the helm of the growing Star Trek universe on Paramount+, including the award-winning Star Trek: Discovery, the critically acclaimed Star Trek: Picard, the animated Star Trek: Prodigy (in partnership with Nickelodeon), and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Outside of TV, Kurtzman has co-written some of the decade’s biggest films including “Star Trek,” “Star Trek: Into Darkness,” “The Amazing Spider Man 2,” “Transformers” and “Mission: Impossible III.” Additionally, he executive produced the romantic comedy “The Proposal” as well as the “Now You See Me” franchise. Overall, his writing and producing credits have earned over $4 billion worldwide.

“Hollywood in general markets itself and benefits from being a mirror that reflects the moment in which it’s making its content.”

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