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Founders, CEOs, and dynamic innovators join candid conversations about their triumphs and challenges with a set of luminary hosts, including founding host Reid Hoffman — LinkedIn co-founder and Greylock partner.

How do you leap from your early adopters to your long-term core customers?
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When not to blitzscale & how to persuade your board to let you slow down
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When to replace the founder as chief salesperson, how to be a learn-it-all, when to take the “venture bet”
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How to stay agile and build a business, post-pandemic?
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How transparent should you be with your board? How do you boost morale in dark days? Is it time to blitzscale?
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How do you keep company culture fresh in a hiring freeze? How much attention should you pay to the stock market?
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Build a team of mentors: A Strategy Session w/A-Rod
A-Rod Corp.’s Alex Rodriguez
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A-Rod Corp.’s Alex Rodriguez
When should founders step aside? Where can you find investors? Were pandemic pivots harmful?
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Can you pivot without losing customers? How can remote co-founders stay aligned?
Capital One’s Anne Kave
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Capital One’s Anne Kave
How to protect yourself from copycat businesses? When should you seek funding? Plus: the Pivot Point game show!
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How to make the most of tough pivots? What are the right growth targets?
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How can a start-up beat a Goliath? What gets top talent to stay put?
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